Alice and I are so blessed to have been called, back in 1994, to shepherd this family of faith. The Clinton Church of God is a wonderful place to call home. A home is that place that feels comfortable and safe and so our church is home. The Clinton Church of God is a vibrant family of believers who show the love of our Lord and Savior. Though we come from different backgrounds and different places we have a common unity which can only be described as from God. As each of us takes our place in the family we will not only be a blessing to each other, but we will continue to have an impact on our community.
Curtis Akers
Wednesday at 7pm in the main sanctuary
Sunday School at 10am
Worship at 11am
Gracia de Dios at 10am (Webb Building)
Our youth programs help children learn to navigate those toughest of years.
Wednesday 7pm in the Webb Building.
Dinner is served at 6:15pm